Candid Pervert (The Prologue)

Published on 24 Oct 2020 / In Candid Street

It all began with this short clip. I've always noticed my neighbour redhead MILF alway enjoyed wearing challenging high heels and questionable dresses that catch attention around the block. But it was on this cold morning in January (!) 2014 that I just randomly looked out the window and there she was - walking slowly in her zoccolis, short dress and a light sweater on top - I immideatly got this feeling that I just have to capture this moment. The camera was there and so it all began...
Fun fact: To this day I have never seen her in those zoccolis, which is a shame because they are probably my favorites from those cca 10 pairs of her high heels I've filmed.

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3 Comments sort Sort By

Visione 4 years ago

Great video. Timmy I wait you in xhamster (I am visionmules)

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steven 4 years ago

Pretty hot - these Zoccolis are rare and have a hot white innersole - please more

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maxe1 4 years ago

Nice story,its good to have such neighborhood

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