Camille walking in black dress and leather louboutin High heels

273 Vues
Publié le 17 May 2023 / Dans Candid Street

unfortunately I was not able to film more because she busted me in front of her shop and took me in picture :(

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8 commentaires sort Trier par

MUDE70 2 années depuis

Doesn't matter which shoes or clothes she wore: the best any time!

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SSHEELS 2 années depuis

Welcome back Camille !! Always amazing.

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pointedmule 2 années depuis

elle était en mule mardi je l'ai vu

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mikeymyers 2 années depuis

Amazing, you should have kept the piece in where she busted you!!

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jobi38 2 années depuis

I was not filming when she busted me ..! You are right it would have been exciting

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TimmyGreen 2 années depuis

She still has it.. would be even hotter to see her expression when you got busted. Or you had to bail out quickly? :D

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jobi38 2 années depuis

I made my best acting show :D I pretended to call without looking at her direction and few second later I fled the neighborhood

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