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Gaborgirlstube Right of Free Speech against Censorship - this my protest clip posted at

237 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 08 Dec 2020 / Im Announcements & News

this my protest clip posted at
this is my Right of free Speech
against the Censorship
of youtube administration
we feature Ladies in High Heels
at our website

all featured videos are Streetshots
everybody can see these Ladies
live at the hometown pedestrian zone
if they are lucky

all of our Clips get classified
behind a "Age restriction"
or got deleted as
inappropriate content

i my point of view this is
hypocritical and uptight

this is a form of protest

youtube have so much
violence and fake video stuff
that is still online after years,
but in case like this
it is absolute ridiculous


we show all of our videos
for free at

give your love and support
and feature this protest clip
by linking and write your
opinion about it


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steven 4 Jahre vor

Youtube reaction

Hi Gaborgirlstube,

We wanted to let you know that our team has reviewed your content and we don't think it's in line with our Community Guidelines. As a result, we've age-restricted the following content:

Video: Gaborgirlstube Right for Free Speech

We haven't applied a strike to your channel, and your content is still live for some users on YouTube. Keep reading for more details on what this means and steps you can take if you'd like to appeal this decision.

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Fireyfox 3 Jahre vor

I couldn't get it to play. But it's been bad at You Tube ever since Susan Wojcicki took over. She's a real prude. I don't agree with up skirts etc, those should not be allowed. But censoring normal street fashion footwear videography is ridiculous.

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steven 3 Jahre vor

@Fireyfox : its offline - censored

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Fireyfox 3 Jahre vor

@steven: Post it here maybe, at least it wouldn't be censored!

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pooner 2 Jahre vor

meanwhile artists like Megan Thee Stallion are posting whatever tf they want on youtube. bizarre double standard.

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Pete 4 Jahre vor

You are fully right, the big companies dominate the internet

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